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I work with individuals aged 14 yrs. and older in both individual, couples, and family settings. I specialize in helping my clients with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship conflicts, and lowered self-esteem. My approach to counseling focuses on health and wellness so that you can have an improved sense of satisfaction and balance in your life. Our work together is a non-judgmental, collaborative process in which we seek to understand how your past experiences impact your life and the feelings you have about yourself. We identify underlying problematic patterns and behaviors and through insight and understanding you will have a choice to ultimately act in a different, healthier way.

Take a look around to learn more about my areas of specialty and the services I offer. I believe that every individual can benefit from therapy at some point in their life so it’s important to note that many clients enter treatment when there is not a specific concern identified. Services are available via telehealth and in-person.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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